Infinity Care Consultancy was founded in 2020 with a passion to support services to break away from a traditional stagnated model of care and educational delivery.
“Putting people first is at the heart of all we do”.
- We believe that Owners, Managers, & Staff Teams are the driving force to ensuring positive cultural change within the Health & Social Care Sector.
- Embedded Personalisation practices that are empowering and liberating across the service is the only way to achieve outstanding care delivery for both the individuals using the service and for the staff that work within the sector.
Situated in beautiful rural Herefordshire, Mark & Nikki have an extensive combined 39 years’ experience and knowledge working professionally and personally in the Health & Social Care Sector.
- Owning, Managing & leading culture change within Care Home & Domiciliary Care Services.
- Success in achieving Care Quality Commission rating of “Outstanding” Domiciliary Care.
- Leading & Supporting services to achieve unique Person-Centred Methodology using tools and Nationally recognised techniques, Knowledge and Training to achieve their individuals and organisations values and goals.
- We are affiliated & trained by nationally/ international experts in Health and Social Care.
Our Values
We work with Passion, Knowledge, Integrity & Flair living into our embedded values of compassion and understanding of the Health & Social Care Sector and its challenges.
We believe that an inclusive and supportive approach is extremely important to building working relationships with all stakeholders and customers, thus creating a safe and integral space where compassionate open communication takes place, and you are met with a healthy supportive critique using “blame free” methodology and a safe reflective learning culture which is the foundation of success.
Our passion is to assist you to not only ensure that you are fully compliant but to enable you to reach your innovative potential using workable & tangible methodology.
Setup support for new Social Care Businesses in line with CQC compliance.
Quality Assurance checks and audits
Values based recruitment support
Developing policies and procedures
Mandatory Bespoke training for Health and social care
Effective Kloe evidencing and recording
Developing outcome focused care plans
Strength based Risk assessments
Senior and bespoke managers training
Business contingency plans
Statement of Purpose & Continuous Improvement Plans
Activity audits and Occupational Care home development
Person centred facilitation courses (1 or 2 day's)
What is Person Centred Thinking training
The 12 tools of person-centred planning to achieve user led outcomes
Support sequence to outcome Training
Person Centred Review Training for managers and Leaders
1:1 training for staff in Health social care or Education sectors with accredited courses
Lead Role guidance and training in Dementia practice, Oral Hygiene, Infection Control, Dignity, medication, positive behavioural support.

Our Vision
- All registered care services residential, nursing, domiciliary, schools and youth services should be operating at a minimum of CQC “Good”. With your commitment to develop we can help you to move from Requires Improvement to a “Good” Minimum and help you to maintain or develop your rating. We want to work with proactive services that are consistent in their desire to improve and be become beacons of great care.
- With our support we will proactively encourage services to explore their own values for their organisation and support the services to live into them evidencing unique innovative solutions based around the people’s aspirations who use and are employed by the service.
- Mark’s expertise of Compliance & Qualifications enables him to undertake Mock Inspections in line with regulatory requirements.
- Nikki’s vast experience, qualifications coupled with a regional award for innovation in Person-Centred Approaches will ensure that your service is fully encompassed in the working and understanding of what great person-centred practice is.
- As a team we are strong advocates for people using the service but also the team that supports the service.